
Bible Movie (eBook)


Price: US$11.99

The Bible is arguably the most influential book of the millennium. Technology however has forever changed the way this, and future generations, will interact with the content. The vision of the Bible Move App is to shift the method of interaction with the Bible from written text to Movie imagery. For the first time all 66 books of the Bible have been produced as a word-for-word Bible Movie made up by combining over 2,000 movie titles, public domain works, orphan works, archive clips and over 1,000 stock footage clips reedited into one new derivative work.

This is a 100% accurate word-for-word bible move. A compilation of many thousands of bible and "period" movies into one complete Bible
narrative. This is the first Bible+Movie book of its kind and it could potentially alter the way people engage with the Bible.

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The Bible is arguably the most influential book of the millennium. Technology however has forever changed the way this, and future generations, will interact with the content. The vision of the Bible Move App is to shift the method of interaction with the Bible from written text to Movie imagery.

For the first time all 66 books of the Bible have been produced as a word-for-word Bible Movie made up by combining over 2,000 movie titles,
public domain works, orphan works, archive clips and over 1,000 stock footage clips reedited into one new derivative work.

Many astonishingly good film makers have made unforgettable Bible movies from Cecil B De Mille's “10 Commandments” to Mel Gibson's “Passion of the Christ” but with each Bible movie there is a noticeable omission of major parts of the text. While this is acceptable as a cinematic portrayal it is not helpful as a teaching text.

The creators of the Bible Movie App wanted to create a Movie that could be used as a text.

“The only plausible way to use bible movies as “textbooks” is to make them 'word-for-word' Movies, and, as there are over 80 hours of screen-time the only plausible way to achieve this is through creating a “mash-up”.

When you buy this Amazon book you also receive links to the Bible Movie which will allow you to see as well as read the bible.

“Many Bible movies have been made through history, however this is the first time we have seen a Bible-Movie-Book”

This version of the Bible breaks new ground in the sphere of Biblical learning in a generation where both the technology has changed and opinions about the source text have changed.

The Bible Movie App will create a new sense of excitement around the study of the Bible and a range of International Languages.

This is a 100% accurate word-for-word bible move. A compilation of many thousands of bible and "period" movies into one complete Bible
narrative. This is the first Bible+Movie book of its kind and it could potentially alter the way people engage with the Bible.

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